Café Jonah James
:THIS CAFÉ IS CLOSED. A pleasant “retro” respite from the busyness and traffic of Sherbrooke Street.
What she thought
Since I had to return books to the Westmount Library, we decided to go to Jonah James for our next lattes. As you step down into the café, you get a sense that you have gone back to a simpler time. From the vintage Pepsi cooler to the display of “old-fashioned” coke bottles near the door to the candy you remember from your childhood at the counter, life seems to slow down a bit here. Also adding to the “former days” feel are the offerings at Norah Magasin Général, which you access through the café.
- Coffee: Using a Faema E61 espresso machine, the girl who served our lattes told us that they use Rufino Super Bar beans. The taste of the latte was nicely balanced between coffee and milk. I noticed the chocolaty flavor of the Super Bar beans. The latte had no art, though, and no foam coating the cup or remaining at the bottom when I finished. (The latte wasn’t served with a spoon; perhaps that was a clue?)
- Seating: Located on a corner (Sherbrooke and Grey), Jonah James is well lit with windows on two sides of the café and offers a good amount of seating inside: on stools at the bar along the wall, at sturdy wooden tables and chairs, at the tables with booth seating at the back, and even at a “Reserved” table in Norah Magasin Général. During this time of the year, a small shady terrace along Sherbrooke Street provides several tables and chairs for those who want to enjoy the hustle and bustle of this Westmount-adjacent part of Montréal.
- Atmosphere: What gives Jonah James its charming atmosphere is the decor and the feeling of stepping back in time to a neighborhood coffee shop. The girl who made our lattes provided friendly, cheerful service at our table. The music was either too loud or too soft, which I found a bit distracting.
Final Thoughts: While not a place I would go to read a book, Jonah James provides a place to take a break from shopping or to enjoy a latte or a meal with friends. And remember to check out Norah Magasin Général when you visit!
Ce qu’il en pense
C’est ma deuxième visite à ce café-resto au look rétro, nous nous y sommes réfugiés cet hiver, en route vers la station de métro Vendôme. Je me souvenais surtout du service lent, mais cette fois-ci, nous avons eu droit à un service rapide et enjoué. L’endroit est tout à côté du secteur commercial de Westmount, mais soyez sans crainte, le resto est sans prétention. Malheureusement pour les commerces du coin, c’est au tour de ce tronçon de la rue Sherbrooke de goûter à des rénovations de voirie aux proportions pharaoniques.
Le menu type bistro est bref et un peu cher; on sert un menu brunch la fin de semaine. Pour l’espresso, on utilise la Faema E61 avec les grains Rufino Super Bar. Le résultat est correct, sans être mémorable.
Le Jonah James est un bon endroit où faire une pause si vous passer dans le coin, surtout avec des heures d’ouverture aussi généreuses. Assurez-vous de visiter la boutique attenante, Norah Magasin Général. Vous y trouverez des idées cadeau ou certains articles que vous voudrez probablement garder pour vous-même.
- Le café (latté): avec un peu de technique, le latté pourrait passer de ordinaire à super.
- Les lieux: style années cinquante, qui évite tout de même les clichés du genre.
- Le personnel: variable, mais exempt du snobisme de Westmount.