Résonance Café
:Café Résonance offers a unique blend of lovely lattes, food, and music.
What she thought
We stopped at Résonance Café while taking care of a few errands before our trip to New Mexico. I had always been interested in visiting this café because of the location and the vegetarian food they serve. The café is below street level so you take a few steps down to it. The space is deceptively large and even has a stage in the back for the various musical events they have almost nightly.
- Coffee: Michel ordered me a latte. When he came back to the table where we were sitting, he mentioned that the girl serving him (not the barista) had asked what kind of milk we wanted—the café’s own blend of lactose-free milk or cow milk. He ordered cow milk for both of us. The café seemed busy and it took a few minutes to get our lattes served at our table. My latte (as shown below) was simply lovely. As I started to drink it, the latte had a good balance between milk and coffee. There was such a nutty taste that I thought they had used soy milk (or their milk blend) rather than cow milk. At my urging, Michel went and checked, and the barista said that he had used cow milk. I was amazed! The richness of the coffee included the flavors of nuts, a bit of chocolate, and even caramel. I found out later their beans are roasted by Pilot Coffee Roasters and this selection was called Cachoeira da Grama from Brazil. Even though the foamed milk had mixed with the coffee by the time I was half done drinking it, the wonderful flavor remained. I did miss having foam at the end of the cup. (What can I say? I am foam lover!)
- Seating: There is quite a bit of seating at Café Résonance. Booths line the walls with tables and chairs in front of them. Between the wall seating are several narrow tables that can be shared. The one window in the front of the café has a bar on either side of the entrance, each with a few stools for seating. Another bar with stool seating is along the counter where you order. In addition, there is a table or two right outside the windows but not at street level.
- Atmosphere: Although the café is not brightly lit, it seems like a trendy place to go and boasts a varied population. I saw people working on computers, chatting with friends, reading, etc. I found the barista very pleasant and knowledgeable. The other staff did not seem quite as friendly but that could have been because we came around lunch time and they were busy.
Final Thoughts: Résonance Café offers a unique blend of lovely lattes, food, community involvement (we saw delivery boxes from Lufa Farms), and music. This café is a definite asset to this “quartier” of Montréal.
Ce qu’il en pense
Ce café ne fait pas parti du Passeport Indie, mais nous étions curieux de le visiter parce qu’il offre des plats végétariens. Ils sont situés dans un sous-sol, mais on oublie rapidement ce détail, l’endroit étant spacieux. Une scène est aménagée dans le fond du local, car le soir, l’endroit sert aussi de salle de spectacles de musique jazz. L’ambiance me rappelait celle d’une COOP auto-gérée, je n’ai cependant pas trouvé de mention à ce sujet sur leur site web.
L’air bête de la serveuse n’avait rien d’accueillant, mais le jeune homme qui œuvrait à la machine espresso était plus avenant et nous en avons profité pour lui poser quelques questions. Notamment, le type de café utilisé ce jour-là : le Brazil Cachoeira da grama de Pilot. Le Café Résonance offrent un mélange maison végétalien pour le latté, mais nous avons choisi le lait de vache. La saveur riche du café était bien mis en valeur par les proportions café/lait. Comme le délicieux goût de noix aurait pu provenir de soja, nous avons confirmé qu’il s’agissait bel et bien de lait de vache.
Le Résonance est un endroit pratique si vous avez besoin d’un repas nourrissant ou simplement pour faire une agréable pause accompagné d’un savoureux café préparé avec doigté.
- Le café (latté): lait bien dosé, mettant en valeur le goût complexe du café. Mélange au corps un peu mince au final, on aurait aimé un petit restant de créma à la fin.
- Les lieux: spacieux, confortable et animé.
- Le personnel: sommes-nous passés la mauvaise journée?